Sunday, 19 February 2012

respect is an IMPORTANT

there is one story yg mmg menyakitkan hati~
dalam hidup kita seharian respect tu adalah sgt penting kan~
first of all, i would like to introduce that my frenz and i going to present about 
our company production~we have divide our work and think that all going to be alright..
after a weeks there is no changes.and till this one week, we are going to present..
WAAHHHH! that is very soon..and yet we do nothing~
as that my friend and i do the work as fast as possible and we success to making it..
but there are two people that are just sitting and waiting for the instruction~
the one is done their work..the other one waiting for the slide to transfer to him..
we are checking all the slides together and want to fix the problem or something we doesn't know about the slide..all the slide are getting okay,come to the last part that the one do it~
it make us feel like there is something wrong about it..we want to change but the one say that the slide is her slide so we cannot change anything~yeah! we have a respect! so we  respect and expect that the one had done her revision~
YEEAAHH! the day had come!
today is the presentation day..~we are READYY~!
the first group start presenting..and WWOOAAHHH!!!!
they are very great and their slide such an impressive work~  ILOVEIT#
and now come to our group~
like just now ~~we are READY!
HELL YEAH! we are NOT READY!!!!!
for the first part and the middle part is quite ... errrmm it's like okey job..
YEAH! good job !
but to the end part .. ARRGGHH!!! we are start babbling and murmuring in front of the others~
the important part is the slide is making by the one~and the one doesn't know how to explain it~
WTF!! (what the fish)~ HAIYAAA~
we all are getting tired of this and want to help but each time we want to explain the one will cut off
the other explanation~the one had no RESPECT to others while they are making explanation..
and here we are~
getting angry more and more towards the one~but never mind..
its already pass and i will take it as lessons to other part~yeah surely not all her fault~
we also make a mistake because we did not study her part~Actually all members should be blamed~
why not we study earlier..right?

 and the most important is! don't trust other people if u cant see the right output~
trusting urselves more and taking care of ur truly and loyal members~

and remember this!
YOU are always YOUR own bestfrenz..

p/s:that wont help much when u need to borrow money :D

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

::malam masalah::

hye kawan~
time sekrang ni kalau kita tgk ramai sgt pelajar yg tak beretika ..
salah satu contohnya aku lah~hihi :D
nak buat macam mana , semua ni berlaku atas pengaruh rakan sebaya lah!
HAHA! so pandai2 lah kita semua cari rakan agar tidak membahayakan diri sendiri~
*ceh ayat x leh blah!
bukan membahayakan memesongkan akidah kita~HAHA!
*jgn marah yer kawan2 tercinta~
okey sebenarnya cita real macam nih~
semua penghuni kolej diminta menghadiri sesi perjumpaan dengan rektor UiTM..
start jam 8 mlm abeh pukul berapa tak dapat dikenal pasti~
aku dengan bangganya tak sabar la nk jumpa rektor tersebut sebab boleh kata dekat satu sem dah x jumpa~
tapi kawan-kawan  aku ni pulak dah jadi jin kat belakang supaya tak pergi~
alasannya assigment berlambak..huhu ~
secara tetiba nya pulak aku dah naik tanduk dan menurut supaya tinggal dalam bilik~
then kami dengar announcement yang kata pihak pengurusan blok akan cek semua bilik~
perghh masa tu gerun gak la..padahal dyowg tu gempaq kami ja..
xpa la..kami stay dgn keputusan kami yang kami nk tinggal kat dalam bilik jugak~
cara kami menyorok adalah dengan tutup lampu jer~haha..
niat kami kalau dyowang cuba buka pintu, kami nk nyorok bawah katil ..
xpun masuk lam almari..hihih  :p
sambil tu layan movie dan bukannya study~
*yelah study menda dalam gelap kan#
punya lama kami dok bergelap tuh tapi x de pulak org datang cek~
ciss..! x mencabar langsung~
elok kul 9 lebih tuh kami dah rasa cam nothing happen so kami pun bukak lampu semula~
apa lagi dengan rasa laparnya kami pun mula kan operasi memakan meggi~
perggh kenyang beb walaupun cuma sebungkus meggi tapi cukup memberi nikmat ~!
dok sat tak sampai 5 minit aku dah dengar cm ada bnda x kena ja dengan jiran aku~
rupa2nya ada org pengsan..xpa la ~ aku pun rela hati la pergi tolong..*konon baik lah kan~
tapi setakat tolong tgk ja lah~ :p
ada la tolong cari no telefon pengurusan kesakitan kat dyowang~tu pun juz cari no fon then dyowg
pandai2 col sendiri je lah~ hehe :)
niat nk tolong tp mcm x diperlukan je~ "apalah nasib::::" biar je lah#
dan skrg aku typing blog~ keja bnyak lg kot x setel~adoyai!
nmpak gaya pg jugak aku tido nih~ padan muka aku~! haiyaa#
okeyh la !@#$%

otak kata study la,
aty kata nnt la,
dok tggu pa lagi,
k la nk p study...
tata asalam.